Lost World Rehash But With Better Scares (Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Review)

After seeing the trailers for the next movie, I was curious if Ian Malcolm would have some role in the film. Somehow I get the feeling that might not be the case.

As for the 6th film of this franchise, I would not be as optimistic since the other ones have strayed from what made the first film great. They are being seen less as animals and more like monsters. Although I would consider the Indominus Rex and the Raptor monsters because of the foolishness of scientists that works for business and less for education. In short…abusing nature for profit.

The promotion for the film was for the most part…average. I have played the game Jurassic World Evolution which is supposed to be similar to Operation Genesis (from the PS2). However, I have noticed something pretty obvious that doesn’t need much reflection. People that care more about animals than humans really are the worst. Yes caring about nature is good but not at the expense of desensitized youth and narrow minded education.

After watching the movie, I have to admit that I had quite a lot of fun watching it despite the scares in between. The chemistry between Owen and Claire seems to be a bit better compared to the first time during Jurassic World (which was below par in my honest opinion). However, the addition of a couple of activists in the film as new characters was just cringe worthy for the most part. Unfortunately, the villains were so one minded and stupid that I saw their deaths as hilarious and comical even. The clips showing Owen and the raptors as babies was a bit touching however, the other half of it shown as a means of making them obedient to be used like weapons was a bit of a downer at first. However, it never surprises me that some villains have to remind other characters that have done bad as well. At the same time however, they take the cowardly way out as is their nature.

The raptors were clearly the show stealers for the whole film although it was nice to see Rexy a bit for a few moments. The death of the other dinosaurs was not as emotional for me since I find activists stupid because their logic is totally flawed. The same can be said for the traffickers which are more or less…just the worst type of thief, more worse than a smuggler.

Which gets to my segment of the good, the bad, the memorable, and the downright pathetic in terms of moments from the film. However, I’m going to be doing this in reverse. Starting with the pathetic moments. First off, the two teen characters that were part of the “Save The Dinos” activist group. They apparently had a few skills but I couldn’t tell which was dull. The writing or the acting. Second, the reason for having the dinosaurs alive. Fans of the franchise already know that Dr Ian Malcolm was right the first time in Jurassic Park.

To quote the classic response:

“Yeah John, but your scientists were so busy thinking whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should”.

As for the memorable parts, it was mostly the nods to the first film and a reference from the second The Lost World Jurassic Park. To list them down in terms of what I remember, the main theme from Jurassic Park, a picture of John Hammond in the mansion, the amber tipped cane that belongs to Benjamin Lockwood in which his business partner John Hammond also had one, the struggle of closing the sliding door as the Indoraptor was running at Maisie, and let’s not forget the opening of the door reference. (Big grin).. As for the bad moments, it mostly was with the one minded “villains”, the humans if you will. The animal trafficker was like your stereotypical merc that looks like a hunter and the bidder Gunnar Eversol, was so easy to figure out how he would end up. However, the most boring of them all was Eli Mills. He treated the granddaughter like crap after she figured out his “big secret” but as for Lockwood, the guy’s grief I could understand in terms of losing someone close to him. But it never surprises me that the hard lesson is learned when you’re older. As a young individual, you’re just as likely to be a bigger screw up compared to when you’re older.

One disappointing aspect of the movie was the fact that the movie didn’t explore what Ian Malcolm was talking about during his speech at the hearing and I would have found it fascinating but it was such a wasted opportunity using the rich person buys dangerous weapon stereotype literary trope.

Overall view: the showing of how stupid human nature is and the sheer idiocy of the emo bleeding heart syndrome of activists just proves Dr. Malcolm’s point about nature being uncontrollable. The writing was bland, zero morals besides the fact that pride and greed just shows how knowledge is perverted and that science brings out more of the worst in humans when nature is involved.

Not as optimistic as I stated once about the third in this franchise but I will be glad if they could end it permanently. Just as Dr. Ian Malcolm said, they should just die.

Good visuals and scares and a tiny hint of nostalgia but that’s all.

Rating: 7/10.

America’s Troubles Post 9-11 (Including 9-11 Ballad)

Author’s Note: I pray for the victims and their families on that terrible day as well as asking God to forgive the fools that emotionally and easily lose their way.  We should never forget, but we should try to forgive regardless of the pain.

In a time of political strife

When the media continues to divide and deceive

The small percent that whine and lie

Are consumed by hatred and bigotry

I may have been small when I first heard the news

About the towers that got hit in New York by Muslim terrorists

I was confused and shocked by the images that would forever be burned into my memory

I used to question and ponder about what could have made those people do such evil

In high school I once wrote about the event in a poem style format for homework

The incident so fresh in my mind

Took a while to get the format right

But the words were etched deep inside

I look back at the ballad not just to remind myself of what happened that day

But at those who risked their lives to help total strangers to carry on

It was not until 2008 that a lingering thought I once had would come true

And haunt me for a time which would cause me to change things I once viewed

False promises and hiding behind lies are what Democrats do

Being irresponsible, hypocritical, and then blame law-abiding citizens

While putting criminals and immigrants that do heinous crimes on Americans ahead of their own

Despite having to choose between Hillary and Trump, I wasn’t sure who to go for

Until I had to relook at what the Constitution stood for

Then it occurred to me that America was being fooled by its own people

And I began to slowly see that once Obama stepped in, I began to piece together the real enemy

Leftists are babies in adult bodies.  People that don’t value life at all, but most importantly human life

They make excuses, ignore history, and spread lies they think are true

They’re nothing more than uneducated, spoiled, foolish people that include all media and regular folk regardless of gender

Instead of focusing on protecting our own, they whine about illegal immigrants that are criminals and letting them in

Instead of cherishing human life, they whine about animal life and stupid rights

Instead of bringing up strong men, modern feminists literally murdered them and made most women dumber with their emotions

They divide American families and prefer emotions to truth and facts

Plagiarize history and ignoring what really happened

Leftism ignores all that is America because they are murderers, terrorists, liars, and spoiled individuals

There are smart people who know America is sick because of these people.  Leftism is a cancer

The left insults the people who died on 9/11

I realize that people who defend America, its values, and want to protect its borders

These Conservatives have more common sense than the media and Hollywood and most of the Democrats in government

I would rather be better off with borders and common sense, than a country full of terrorists and criminals that seek to destroy a country of freedom by restricting the truth.

I will never forget what happened that day

Facts Matter Because Blind Emotions Are Pointless

September 11TH

It seemed like any other morning

As time continued its usual course

Yet it soon changed without warning

When a plane struck the Twin Towers

Emotions could hardly be described

The entire country was shocked

As many of us watched the event terrified

When a plane struck the Twin Towers

Screams were heard, people watched in fear

Another plane hit the second tower

People afraid of losing those very dear

When two planes struck the Twin Towers

We will never forget

The horror, grief and anger

One morning could change our country’s history

When two planes struck the Twin Towers

Overactive Fans Muddy Franchise: Biggest Mistake By Answering Fans. Cursed Child Overblown (Strictly Opinion)

There’s a reason why it’s called “fan fiction”.  Most just can’t get a grip on themselves’.

This is completely my opinion but I don’t care what others would think (those that liked Cursed Child) upon reading this.  There’s a good reason why the whole “trying to feel relevant” mentality kills the energy that some of us knew Rowling had.  Some fanfiction that I have come across in the past year, even one shots are actually pretty good.  But that is what the definition stands for.  Fiction written by fans of a franchise, TV show, what have you.  However, being a writer is tough.  I myself am struggling a bit with trying to keep my ideas in order and yet the idea has been sticking with me for as long as I can remember.  I began from reading the second book The Chamber of Secrets first and then backtrack to the first book The Sorcerer’s Stone.  I began to get interested in the story itself and its characters.  What didn’t surprise me was how narrow-minded people could be when their paranoid outlook came for those kids that like the book and their parents overreacting to the contents only on the surface (getting the books from their kids and burning them in a small bonfire outside).  I never considered the houses yet until way after the books and films when I made my account on Pottermore.  What really drew me in was the character development of the characters, not just the titular characters and how Harry Potter changes and grows as a character and his friends as well.  The various scenarios and trials that they face throughout each year shows how some of the people around Harry have changed while others did so off the books (a mention here, a note there).  However, it is Harry himself that is heavily affected not just by what happens at Hogwarts but also those close to him (his best friends, Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Black, the Weasleys).

Every time the wait for the next book came up, there was a bit of mystery that surrounded it.  Yes fans started to come up with their own theories and the like, but there were those like myself that were just as content with waiting and not looking through the Internet because of that gut feeling that some idiot would mess things up.  As I stated once, the over obsessed hardcore ones are the worst when lacking in control the most compared to an average fan like myself.  Personally, I think us average fans get the message of knowing when to move on compared to the creator of their literary work.

Rowling was Obsessed with trying to make sure that the casting and all the other details were done right.  She had every right to do so.  The books were her baby.  So being so controlling over her work in my honest opinion was a very good thing.  However, once Rowling started to answer fans questions, that is where things started to fall apart.  Others might disagree but I am sure that it’s the less than a percent that are insignificant who would disagree.

The Cursed Child is in simple terms overblown fanfiction.  Only read it once and I already had problems with it.  Some people likely have a laundry list of bones to pick with not just the dumb writers that are overzealous fans but also with Rowling herself.  Me, it’s just Rowling.  But I don’t mind having to spoil it for those that haven’t read it because I don’t care.  The whole Voldemort had a child thing with Bellatrix was utter rubbish.  Didn’t care much for the kids of the main characters, the depiction and actions of the main characters was super out of character.  The writing in general was just plain bad.  Us average fans see it not only as a blight on the franchise but just plain ruins everything.  Some that write just do it because they’re a fan, but I myself know also that writing is not as easy as it looks.  Sure I write blogs but that’s one thing.  Doing a book project is another story.  If I ever manage to finish and put it up, I definitely will do the one thing that Rowling should have done that some fans including myself have known for a while.  Move the bloody hell on with life.  Also, don’t answer the fans often.  Especially the over eager over zealous ones.  I would avoid those people like the plague.