Why Star Wars is Dead or Already Dying (Opinion Post)

By now, most people have already seen all the Star Wars films and possibly the spin offs (I didn’t watch Solo because I knew that it would bomb considering that Disney does a poor job at regulating Lucasfilm because of Socialist femenazi Kathleen Kennedy). As I stated before on my title of the blog, the franchise is failing because of corporate sleazebags being greedy (which Disney has been since the creator’s departure ever since) and the fact that George Lucas made a monumental mistake letting Kathleen Kennedy take the reins after selling it to Disney.

I recently watched a video on Youtube regarding the possibility of Lucas stepping in and co-directing a scene for the final chapter in the latest trilogy (which of course is forever marred by episode 8 and the supporters are practically brain dead to me). Despite hearing that, I’m already past the point of caring anymore because of the foolish corporate hogs at Disney. The reason why I get the feeling that it’s already dead are because of a few factors. 1.) Fundamentals, 2.) Hiring crap writers that are Socialist/blind Marxist nutcases, 3.) Not caring about the fan input (which are THE CUSTOMERS). All 3 of those points come down to one thing: when a business is out of touch with reality and their product is garbage and they are beyond stubborn for words because of their blind arrogance that nothing is wrong, that’s when the customer’s trust goes up in flames. Disney is a brainless brand, and even though I am a hypocrite in some way of supporting it, I find myself going through the tug of war of resisting and withdrawal.

I was a fan of the franchise growing up, but even though I haven’t watched the Clone Wars animated series (and I know that it’s good by word of mouth), I always felt that the writing and the quality was in a constant state of flux. Partially because of George Lucas but it’s justifiable to a point, but mostly because of the fact that when a company doesn’t know anything about a franchise (nowadays), and then just try and wing it while inserting Screeching Jibberish Whiners BS…that is enough to tell the customer that the product is garbage.

Once you alienate your customers, how do you seriously expect to regain trust that you already destroyed utterly? It’s going to take a lot longer to repair for some, but the damage to Star Wars is irreparable.

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