Which Fell First? The Quality or the Premise (Review of Angel has Fallen)

Author’s Note: OK. I’m going to be brutally honest here. I was entertained to a point on this movie but barely…however…I could easily point out the hypocrisy and the stupidity of Hollyweird just as fast as I could review this movie. Summarized spoilers for all 3 are in this review. For those that don’t want to be spoiled, I say it again and again, “Just go to the section titled ‘Overall Thoughts’”.

This movie was heavily laden with Anti-2A, Anti-American, Anti-Trump bull crap. Femenazi and weak men crap as well. Did it piss me off? You bet your bottom dollar. Unoriginal writing and fake representation. I’ll say this much: strong women representation is bull crap. It degrades women far more than those scantily clad ones that have brains and brawn and still have flaws. I would take them over any Mary Sue crap all day every day (Femenazis can shove it). The movie reeks with PC garbage. Put simply on my Anti-Hollyweird rant: it ranks 11 on a 1-10 scale of PC virtue signaling. It panders to these Anti-First Amendment terrorists and something that my family will never comprehend, even my little brother. If that makes me the only sane person in my entire family…I’m fine with that.

That being said…I’ll be working backwards from this ‘Has Fallen’ trilogy starting with the latest and then going backwards. Yes. You heard me correctly. I said “trilogy”. Starting from Angel, then London, and then finally White House.

To start off, the character development of Mike Banning was somewhat interesting throughout each entry. With the latest one however, the villains were too obvious from the opening scene. Most of the people there were obviously European or Arab to a point, yet that wasn’t what really grinds my gears. The VP was pathetic and just another “impeachment” Socialist fantasy of these ungrateful, illiterate, extremely stupid actors that never understood “real” oppression and prefer that Muslim hate filled bastard Obummer. Yeah…I said it. Always screeching about “appearances” and looks. The story was severely scattered, had zero substance. They shoved again with the bull crap of Russia. I took Mike as one of the type of guys that was willing to do what he had to in order to not just prove his innocence but there was a reason why he did what he did. Just like his father who he was tracking after being framed by the VP. Then he has to deceive those he worked with just to get to Trumbull. Painting Pro-2A individuals as crazy just shows how severe TDS is in Hollyweird.

The acting of some of these individuals was NOT the issue. The garbage of the editors, the writers, the directors, hell about 99% of them are delusional idiots.

That being said, what Mike’s father said about the government is absolutely true. I totally get what he is saying but unfortunately, my family only knows the surface.

“Once they have you in their tentacles, they will never let you go”.

What was said about the government when it has been infected with Socialist idiots who NEVER experienced Socialism in their freaking spoiled over privileged lives, there’s no doubt that the world has gone to s***.

The second quote I like just as much…something that Hollyweird and Demoncrats never takes to heart.

“Sometimes you have to know when to quit lying to yourself to spare the pain from your loved ones”.

Lying is a part of the job when it comes to acting. War isn’t only about deception. So is acting.

To get to some of the meat and potatoes of this movie (again HEAVY spoilers): Mike gets offered the job of Director of Secret Service by President Trumbull. He hides the fact that he has been having migraines and the like by taking medications to cope with the pain. Of course, the fishing trip goes south but the way how the villains operate in the movie is just so cut and paste that it is beyond pathetic.

When I saw London Has Fallen, I wasn’t surprised that they went with the usual crazy Muslim terrorist narrative yet the actual city took offense at how Hollyweird crapped all over the problems because of them. Again, they kept the same actors yet this time it was about making sure the President was safe during his visit to London. Mike was a part of the security detail. Same case with White House has Fallen. Part of the Secret Service yet they had to deal with Communist Koreans. The leader in that one is the same guy in Die Another Day (007 with Pierce Brosnan as the last time he plays Bond).

Overall Thoughts:

The entire trilogy cuts from the same cloth and is beyond repetitive. The stakes are hardly raised much. It’s a mediocre action flick with actors given crap roles but the writing and editing is utter trash. Especially the last one. Some people say to not listen to the critics…however…for those that really bash and hate this trilogy…I say kudos to them. They’re being honest at least. Anymore than I can say for sure.

Overall Rating: 3.0/10

Acting: 2.0/10 Gerard Butler was OK in the movie as was Morgan Freeman. However, Nick Nolte was the only enjoyable performance of the movie. Danny Huston was given a crap role as a villain. I was more convinced with the crap X-Men Origins Wolverine than this.

Action: 5.0/10 (Same old same old)

Writing: 1.0/10 (Garbage riddled with Anti-2A, Anti-American, Fake Representation, Femenazi and weak mean syndrome, Anti-Trump is strong with this one. Overall, a heaping steaming hot pile of Socialist Mainstream Media Hollyweird crap).